Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ten Essential SEO Content Writing Tips

Ten Essential SEO Content Writing Tips

Writing is as much as an art form as it is a skill, but that doesn't mean that you can't write content that is powerful and helps to improve your company's ranking with the major search engines. There are certain elements which can help your website content, blog posts, articles submitted to online directories and other online content increase your rankings and move your business forward. Here are ten things to look for:

1. Content Matters: No matter what you write, keep in mind that it has the potential to reach a large audience and be beneficial to your company beyond any SEO benefits. Blogs, articles and on-site content are a chance to link your company to useful, interesting information about your industry. Well-written copy about intriguing topics is also more likely to be linked and shared by outsiders -- increasing your page rank as well.

2. Write Compelling Headings: The titles of your articles and webpages are important -- they are among the first things that can grab the reader's attention. Instead of using a boring, generic heading, make sure that your heading is interesting while clearly explaining the content. Working a keyword into the heading is also a good idea.

3. Stay on Topic: It's easy to write around a topic and begin drifting into tangents that are unrelated to your topic. Keep in mind that this is business writing and not a personal blog! While it's OK to have some personality in your writing, your focus should always be on the topic you are writing about.

4. Ideal Keyword Length and Density: For website content and off-site articles for directory submission, content could be 300 to 1,000 words in length. The length of your article will largely be determined by the number of keywords you are using: you should use a keyword for every 50 to 100 words of content.

5. Don't Stack Keywords: Some people cram all of their articles' keywords into one section at the beginning of the article - often as part of a list. This looks unprofessional since all of your linked keywords will be running together on the page. Spread your keywords evenly throughout the article so they look more organic.

6. Add Keywords to the Bio: Whether you are writing a story for a magazine or submitting an article to an online directory, there will be an opportunity for you to add your biographical information. This is valuable real estate and another chance for optimization. Make sure that you include one keyword in your bio.

7. Write and Tag Hierarchically: Using the appropriate tags for your content will show Google and other search engines that it is professional and well-structured, leading to higher placements. Make sure you use the h1 tag for titles and the h2 tag for subheadings, etc. You should also apply this concept to your writing, putting the most compelling information up front.

8. Use META Descriptions: Making sure that your articles have META descriptions -- 150 character descriptions of the content -- that have keywords included. Including META descriptions is a great way to get Google to recognize your content and give it greater value.

9. Write Original Content: Search engines will punish sites that publish duplicate content that already exists online. Make sure that your content is fresh and original instead of just "copying and pasting" content from existing sources.

10. Choose Relevant Images: Having eye-catching images that are relevant to your content will grab the reader's attention. You can use Creative Commons search tools like the one found at to find intriguing images that are free to use without risking copyright infringement.

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De Maulana Anggakarti | Line 081 8090 9896 0 |

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Manfaat blog bagi profesi


Latar Belakang
Optimasi weblog sebagai media komunikasi keprofesian bagi para mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi serta masyarakat luas pada umumnya.
    Pemanfaatan sebagai situs pribadi atau kelompok yang dapat di fungsikan sebagai komunikasi niaga serta layanan kepada konsumen dan pasar  

    Sebagai media informasi dengan kemampuan sebaran dan jangkauan lewat mesin jejaring yang sangat luas.
      Mengembangkan pengetahuan dengan cara mengenal media internet yang terus akan maju dan berkembang
        Bagi masyarakat profesi/ pebisnis pemula atau telah berjalan media komunikasi bagian dari kegiatan promosi dalam kontek marketing secara luas dimana media weblog atau kita kenal blog adalah salah satu alternatif dalam mengembangkan informasi keprofesian dan promosi dan bisnis melalui media jejaring
        Masyarakat perlu memanfaatkan sedini mungkin media tersebut sebagai bentuk komunikasi bisnis yang kemungkinannya akan terus update dan berkembang.

        Teknologi dan Implementasi
        Penggunaan media blog bagi masyarakat sangatlah mudah dilakukan, kebanyakan masyarakat usaha memerlukan media sebagai kegiatan promosi produk maupun jasa.
        Dengan kemajuan dalam bidang teknologi informasi blog akan terus mengalami perubahan dan akan berkembang sebagai bentuk layanan situs jejaring yang menyeluruh

        Diperlukan pelatihan atau workshop intesif yang bersifat praktis bagi para pelaku bisnis personal maupun kelompok untuk dapat memanfaatkan media tersebut.
        Media blog dapat mengarahkan informasi dan promosi bisnis dan keprofesian bagi masyarakat luas secara mandiri
        Diperlukan penyusunan semacam profil untuk mengembangkan informasi dan pelayanan bisnis kepada masyarakat

        Dengan media blog para pelaku bisnis dapat melakukan berbagai kegiatan promosi dan transaksi bisnis secara online ke dan pada berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Blog tidak ubahnya data base bisnis anda yang tersimpan rapih serta update yang dapat digunakan secara multi fungsi
        De Maulana Anggakarti | Line 081 8090 9896 0 |

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